Thursday, February 5, 2009

van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam: New Exhibit!

van Gogh Museum

New Exhibit: van Gogh and the colours of the night
Dates: February 13, 2009 – June 7, 2009

Museum exhibit description:
"Van Gogh and the colours of the night is a unique exhibition of paintings by Vincent van Gogh evoking the atmosphere of the evening and night. The exhibition will be organised in collaboration with the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in New York."

Here are some van Gogh paintings to familiarize yourself with his amazing work!


  1. The room at Arles is my favorite Van Gogh! I've seen it three times! Once in DC and twice in Europe! I'm pretty sure it follows me wherever I go...

  2. I love the layout. i am thinking of switching my nav to the left it looks alot better.
